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G. LUFFT GmbH establishes subsidiary in China
G. LUFFT GmbH establishes subsidiary in China![Featured PR](../images/icons/featured-icon.png)
China is the most populous country in the world. Some 1.34 billion people are spread across 9,571,302 square kilometers, which also makes the People's Republic the world's fourth largest country geographically.
China is the most populous country in the world. Some 1.34 billion people are spread across 9,571,302 square kilometers, which also makes the People's Republic the world's fourth largest country geographically. But covering such a large area has consequences: China lies in eighteen different climate zones. Whether blizzards or monsoons, continental or mountainous climates - the weather situation demands a lot from the people of China.
For years, LUFFT has been actively involved in providing climate measurement and control equipment for various projects throughout East Asia. After previously relying on Chinese partner companies to undertake local sales and distribution, the Fellbach-based company is now expanding its involvement in the Chinese market. In the third quarter of 2012, LUFFT opened a new subsidiary called LufftChina which now directly represents G. LUFFT GmbH on the Chinese market. A total of ten employees work at its headquarters in Shanghai and its office in Beijing.
"As I see it, China will surpass the U.S. in the next two to three years at the latest and become the world's leading economic power. Germany is China's largest trading partner within the European Union, with some €75 billion in goods being exchanged each year. China has for a long time been at the forefront of developing some of the world's leading technologies, such as solar cells. Indeed, environmental technology has taken on an overarching role in the twelfth and current five-year plan of the Chinese government. So it was only logical for us to become more active there by establishing a subsidiary," says CEO Klaus Hirzel.
The Chinese market for measuring and control technology has been on an upward trend since mid-2010 and German suppliers, in particular, have been more successful than ever. Currently, the market for climate measurement technology is showing a growth that goes hand in hand with the overall expansion of the country's infrastructure. Large projects require quality work: About one hundred airports are currently under construction and will be equipped with the appropriate measurement technology to collect weather data. In addition, some twenty to thirty thousand ice detection systems are being planned for the next few years. Moreover, China is increasingly focusing on renewable energy, with wind power generation set to increase to 120,000 MW in the coming years.
Recent years have seen successful LUFFT projects in China. The Ventus UMB has been used for some time by several wind turbine manufacturers in northern China. The meter is equipped with a 240V heating element so that its sensors remain free of ice and can provide reliable data on parameters such as wind direction, wind speed, and temperature even in cold climates. Icing is also a problem for power poles. They frequently break under the weight of ice on the power lines, which is why LUFFT's All-In-One Weather Station WS600 is being increasingly used throughout China to measure meteorological conditions.
LUFFT has also found an indispensable role in the Chinese railways: Along the high-speed lines, the WS400 provides reliable wind measurements to adjust the train's speed to current wind conditions. The LUFFT weather stations are placed every five kilometers along the tracks. In addition, the WS200 and WS500 sensors are already used in China to determine wind and weather changes. On 100 meter high towers, the sensors are mounted at three different heights in order to make an accurate wind profile of the site and its surroundings.
In the coming years, LUFFT plans to pursue the active and systematic expansion of its existing strategic partnerships within China. Other projects such as the installation of early warning systems to protect against weather extremes or for monitoring particulate matter in the air are being planned. The goal is to make 20% of our total sales in the world's largest land.
About G.Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH:
G. LUFFT Mess- und Regeltechnik has been dealing with the production of climatological measuring equipment since its foundation by Gotthilf Lufft in 1881.
To keep in pace with the market and the modern technologies, electronic devices have been developed parallel to the mechanical products according to the basic principle "Tradition and Innovation".
For more details visit: http://www.lufft.com/
Company contact:
Contact person: Tobias Weil
G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH
Gutenbergstr. 20
70736 Fellbach
E-Mail: pr@lufft.de
Tel: 0049 711 51822 0
Fax: 0049 711 51822 41
Media contact :
Contact person: Mareen Wordoff
MACHEETE | Büro für Kommunikation & Dialog
Paulstraße 34
10557 Berlin
E-Mail: presse@macheete.com
Tel: 0049 30 488 187 25
About G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH
G. LUFFT Mess- und Regeltechnik has been dealing with the production of climatological measuring equipment since its foundation by Gotthilf Lufft in 1881.The precision workmanship of highly skilled specialists has enabled the LUFFT label to be known and the products to be purchased worldwide. The LUFFT products and equipment are to be found wherever atmospheric pressure, temperature, relative humidity and other environmental factors require to be measured or recorded.