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Parenting Teenagers brings parents and their teenage children closerFeatured PR

Parenting teenagers is one of the toughest jobs in the world and being fully aware of this fact, Christina Botto started Parenting A Teenager, a web site that addresses issues between parents and their teenage kids.
Raleigh, NC, United States of America ( 19/07/2012
Parenting A Teenager provides tips and solutions for parents who are struggling with the sudden change in behavior and attitude of their teenage kids. This web site was started by Christina Botto, who has been working as a mediator between teens and their frustrated parents for over 20 years.

It started with the objective of helping parents who are struggling with their teens' behavior and endless arguments. Christina Botto reportedly understands that parenting teens is not easy and requires patience, determination, and more importantly, creativity.

Christina knows that being parents to teenagers can be very frustrating at times, and speaking on the issue, she said, "For parents with teenagers, conflicts occur almost everyday. You can choose to go about your business as normally as possible and distance yourself from your child, or you can learn to successfully deal with teen behavior".

Christina Botto has authored several books on parenting, and one of her most renowned books is "Help Me With My Teenager! A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents that Works".

On being asked why parents should read this book, Christina said, "This book helps parents to understand why teens behave in a particular way, as well as what causes them to behave in that way. It also gives parents an idea about how they can engage in a conversation with their teens successfully, and what parents can do to keep the communication lines open at all times."

However, Botto added that her book not only helps parents with teenage kids, but also parents with pre-teens. Her book gives an outline to parents on how to help their children to become independent and smoothly transition into adulthood.

Asked about the specific areas in which she strives to provide help, Christina informed that she essentially focuses on dealing with improving communication between parents and their teens, how to handle them with love and compassion.

Parenting A Teenager is a website that brings parents and teens closer, helps to improve the parent-teen relationship, and shows parents how to be supportive while still being in charge.

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About Christina Botto

Parenting A Teenager is a website that brings parents and teens closer, helps to improve the parent-teen relationship, and shows parents how to be supportive while still being in charge. To find out more, go to:


Christina Botto
Christina Botto
1301 Hillbrow Lane #203,
Zipcode : 27615