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Green Performance Showcases The Wildcat Hydrogen Booster Through A New Website
Green Performance Showcases The Wildcat Hydrogen Booster Through A New Website
With the cost of fuel skyrocketing, a Arizona Wildcat Hydrogen Boooster distributor responds with a fantastic
solution through an all new website. Green Performance, is an official distributor in the Southwest.
United States of America
Green Performance LLC, a Wildcat Hydrogen Booster distributor ( ) has launched its all new website to help tractor trailer owners, farmers, and boat owners save money by offering hydrogen boosters for their engines.
The all new Wildcat Hydrogen Booster website was designed and created by Local Internet Marketing GoldMine and it brings a user friendly experience to Farmers, Truckers, boat owners and car owners that would like to use hydrogen booster technology to increase fuel savings, reduce emissions, and add years to the life of their engine.
Tom Teel a partner at Green Performance LLC is excited to spread the word about the huge savings the Wildcat Hydrogen Booster will create and comments, “Rising fuel costs are killing the bottom line for truckers and farmers. We know that the wildcat hydrogen booster ( ) technology will help them save money."
Teel goes on to say, "On our website we have a Wildcat Hydrogen Booster fuel savings calculator that allows the truck driver to plug in information about their fuel usage and than calculates what they will be saving. It also helps their engine run cleaner and in states like California that have strict emission standards it can also help them avoid an expensive ticket."
Jeffrey Taylor of Local Internet Marketing ( ) GoldMine states, "Tom came to us because he wanted a search engine presence where he could get in front of truckers and farmers to show them how powerful this wildcat hydrogen booster technology is. He wanted a website that looked professional and was easy to navigate. He wanted searchers to be able to get the information they needed about hydrogen booster technology and be able to easily contact Green Performance for more information."
Taylor goes on to say, "At Local Goldmine we understand the importance of being able to get a clear message to the website user and allow them to gather lots of information and contact the distributor. It is up to us to provide Green Performance with high rankings in the Google search engine results while also providing the online searcher with a good user experience."
Wildcat Hydrogen Booster distributor Tom Teel stated, "This technology is out there and unfortunately most farmers and truck drivers are either not aware of it, or have been given false information regarding the effectiveness of hydrogen booster technology."
Teel went on to say, "Helping truckers and farmers save money by keeping their most important asset running smoother and more efficient is our goal. We believe our website will help them learn more about the power of the Wildcat Hydrogen booster technology and put it into action. When farmers and truckers can keep costs down, everybody wins!"
Green Performance is an official distributor of the Wildcat Hydrogen Booster.
The Wildcat Hydrogen Booster is specifically designed to significantly reduce fuel consumption and increase fuel economy of any internal combustion engine.
But that's just half of the good news - at the same time, your engine runs cooler, with lower emissions and increased horsepower and torque. Depending on the application, you will see at least a 10% to 30% increase in fuel economy.
Green Performance
Tom Teel
Glendale, AZ 85310
(623) 261-2806