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Ventutter.Com Acts A Friendly Platform For Easy Share Of Views & Opinions
Ventutter.Com Acts A Friendly Platform For Easy Share Of Views & Opinions is providing free and friendly platform to share opinions, personal feeling, videos and photos. Sub group creation is also allowed with like minded community members.
United Kingdom
For people looking for exciting options to share their views and thoughts online with their friends, comes up as a friendly platform. It's a social media site and allows for free membership.
"The motto of our site is to enable our members to vent out their feelings and utter out their opinion to like minded people. With us you would be getting the perfect platform to express yourself", says the spokesperson of allows its members to create a profile with it and share stuffs. The members here are promised of an easy and secure PM if they have got something private. "It could be something good or something really bad that have been worrying you. Expressing it with us would definitely help you to feel much better", the spokesperson from the site adds.
The media site would also allow the members to upload their photos. Many of the members here are found to share their snaps from their recent trips and many more where other members have posted their comments. In addition videosharing is also permitted here and the members would find several categories where they can post their videos. "Our video categories range from general to beauty to health to fashion to anything and you are sure to find the category of your interest here no matter what your preferences are", adds the spokesperson of the social network site. The is presently hosting 182 video shots.
In addition, the members here in can create their own subgroups where they will have like minded members from the site. Two sports groups were found to be active on the site at present-one formed by Arsenal fans and other by the Manchester United supporters from the site.
Besides, seems to have a very lively forum. "Our forum is a place where all our members can post their queries and have discussions on varied issues like relationships, technology and many more", further adds the spokesperson. The sports section seems to have the maximum discussions.
For further information on the site and to create the free membership with it, log on to