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Something New In The PLR Article Marketing WorldFeatured PR

For years, PLR Articles have been leveraged by internet marketers around the world to drive massive amounts of organic traffic to money sites of all niches. is raising the bar by offering 20,000 PLR Articles for Free
Albuquerque, NM, United States of America ( 14/05/2012
If you look at most PLR Article sites out there you will discover that every one gives away something for free. You can find free eBooks, free PLR articles and even free video tutorials now and then. There is one site however that has recently upped the stakes when it comes to private label rights content. has committed to offer you a huge lot of 20,000 free PLR articles. This may come as no surprise to the internet marketing world, however. When it comes to Free PLR content, there is plenty to be found.

Sites often get caught in a proverbial "race to the bottom" of how much they can offer for how little. With a number like 20,000 free PLR articles you have got to wonder if there is still value in this mega offer.

"Really it is all about providing our visitors an article for any given niche they are working in. That is all we are simply trying to do." Says Landon Slaughter of PLR Articles.

With this large number of articles it is clear to see that no matter what type of internet marketing one is doing; one should be able to find a suitable article for their needs. Yet, quality may come into question when such large numbers are involved.

"This large batch of PLR we released reads well, and can provide value to anyone chooses to use it correctly. Although these articles have clearly been used before, savvy internet marketers will know exactly how to use PLR like this in their article marketing efforts." Landon stated.

It looks as if this volume of articles has hit the market place at the right time too. With Google doing recent updates to its search results, internet marketers need to be on their toes. Clearly with the more resources you have, the better you will be able to combat this search engine giant.

Moving forward, plans to educate their visitors with exactly how to use their free content they give away. This will be a breath of fresh air in the PLR world as very few sites actually seek to do this. Stay tuned for more news from this internet marketer's haven. It is going to be a great year for search engine optimization.



Moving forward, plans to educate their visitors with exactly how to use their free content they give away. This will be a breath of fresh air in the PLR world as very few sites actually seek to do this. Stay tuned for more news from this internet marketer’s haven. It is going to be a great year for search engine optimization.


Landon Slaughter
8100 Wyoming Blvd NE,
Zipcode : 87113