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Penis Health Watch – Learn How Alpha Lipoic Acid Protects Penis HealthFeatured PR

When it comes to penis health, little-known facts can make a big difference; get the details about a penis nutrient that may not sound familiar, but can provide fantastic penis benefits.
New York, NY, United States of America ( 28/04/2012
When it comes to men’s health, alpha lipoic acid serves a number of critical functions in the body and especially as a major contributor to penis health where this essential amino acid plays an extremely important role. Working alongside several other penis-specific nutrients such as vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E, alpha lipoic acid can help to maintain a healthy and functional penis.

What is alpha lipoic acid?
Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant which is needed by all of the cells of the body. Most antioxidants are only fat soluble or only water soluble, which means they only work in one or the other medium; alpha-lipoic acid is unique in that it maintains its antioxidant properties in both. As an antioxidant, this important compound eliminates the waste products known as free radicals that are the result of energy production in the body. Free radicals are harmful compounds that attack the immune system, making it more difficult for the body to fight off infections and diseases. In addition, antioxidants can cause damage to the nerves and organs, and they have been linked to many different types of cancer. According to research, alpha lipoic acid is needed to help protect penis cells from serious damage that can lead to a number of health problems.

How does alpha lipoic acid benefit the penis?
When it comes to the penis, the antioxidant properties of alpha lipoic acid play an important role. Several of the important penis health benefits provided by alpha lipoic acid are described here:

Helps to restores penis sensation:
Over time, harmful environmental agents and antioxidant waste products in the body can cause damage on a cellular level that may impair numerous bodily functions; loss of penis sensation is only one of the problems that may result. Treating the penis skin with protective nutrients such as alpha lipoic acid can help to maintain skin sensitivity and reverse loss of penis sensation.

Helps to maintain a healthy circulatory system:
Antioxidants are important to maintaining circulatory health; proper circulation is necessary for promoting blood flow to the penis, which provides oxygen and other nutrients that are needed for optimum health and performance. Keeping the skin well-nourished with antioxidants, as well as other important vitamins and minerals, can help to keep the penis healthy and functioning at optimum levels.

Helps to boost resistance to disease:
Antioxidants like alpha lipoic acid are crucial to a healthy immune system, which is key in fighting off viral and bacterial infections, as well as other types of diseases. Keeping the skin of the penis nourished with a combination of alpha lipoic acid and other important nutrients can boost the ability of the outer dermal layer to keep out infectious agents that can cause rashes, drying, cracking of the skin, and soreness.

Helps to protect against cellular damage:
Cellular damage to the penis skin can lead to numerous problems. One of the most serious of these is known as Peyronie’s disease. This disorder occurs when scar tissue forms around damaged connective tissue under the penis skin, causing the penis to bend or curve during an erection. This condition in its extreme form can be extremely painful and may even prevent intercourse from taking place. By treating the skin with beneficial nutrients such as alpha lipoic acid, men of all ages can help to prevent the cellular damage that may lead to this deforming condition.

How to take advantage of the penis health benefits of alpha lipoic acid
Vitamin crèmes that are applied directly to the skin are an effective way to provide nourishment precisely where it is needed most. In order to maintain optimum penis health, experts often suggest the daily use of a specialized penis health creme (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains penis nutrients such as alpha lipoic acid, as well as other important vitamins and minerals that have demonstrated beneficial penis properties.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: . John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.



For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan writes about men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites,, including


John Dugan
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