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The 5 Most Common Penis Problems Can Be Avoided with Proper Health CareFeatured PR

Penis health care should be a number one priority for men of all ages – learn about the five most common penis problems and how to avoid them.
New York, NY, United States of America ( 14/04/2012
Men are often hesitant to talk to their health care providers about penis issues, but most men are affected by common penis problems such as red penis; loss of penile sensitivity; itching; dry, flaky penis skin; irritation; painful intercourse; and unpleasant odors. Using a moisturizer or penis health crème containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals as part of the daily cleansing routine may provide important penis health benefits. The following discussion provides important information on the most common issues that can affect the penis and what can be done to prevent them from occurring.

The 5 most common penis problems - what causes them and how to treat them

- Diminished penis sensitivity: The friction caused by dry masturbation, aggressive sex, or overly-restrictive clothing can cause deadening of the nerve cells near the skin’s surface, as well as toughening the outer layers of skin in a similar manner to the callouses that form on the hands or feet but to a much lesser degree. These issues can lead to reduced penis sensation and a subsequent loss of sexual enjoyment. This distressing problem can be avoided, or even reversed, by keeping the outer dermal layer well-moisturized with a healing crème that contains vitamins D and B5, which have important skin-rejuvenating qualities.
- Dry penis skin: Dry rubbing, frequent sex, and even sensitivity to soaps or detergents can cause drying of the penis skin, leading to flaking, soreness during masturbation and intercourse, and an unattractive reddened or wrinkled appearance. Avoiding dry penis skin is as easy as treating the penis with effective, all-natural moisturizers such as shea butter and vitamin E.
- Itchy, red, penis skin: Redness, flaking, itching and soreness of the penis can be caused by multiple penis problems, including psoriasis, fungal infections, sensitivity to harsh soaps and chemical detergents, as well as more serious problems such as STDs. The best way to prevent red, itchy and flaky skin is to maintain the integrity of the outer dermal layer by treating the penis with a preparation containing nutrients such as vitamins A and C.
- Sore, overly sensitive penis skin: An overly-sensitive penis is often caused by vigorous sex or frequent masturbation; bacterial infections may also cause redness, inflammation and pain. Certain nutrients, such as vitamins E and A, as well as amino acids such as acetyl L carnitine, have been shown to prevent soreness from occurring, as well as inhibiting the development of infections, which are often the result of bacteria entering the body through microscopic fissures in damaged skin.
- Penis circulatory issues - including dysfunction, unsightly capillaries on penile skin, curved or bent erect penis: Over time, rough treatment such as dry masturbation can cause damage to the tiny capillaries directly under the surface of the penile skin, leading to numerous problems, including collapsed blood vessels which present a spidery appearance under the skin; circulatory issues that can lead to diminished sensation and even reduced erectile function, and a painful condition known as Peyronie’s disease, which causes the penis to bend and curve when erect. Regular moisturizing and use of a high-quality lubricant can help to prevent these unpleasant conditions from developing.

How to avoid these common penis problems
In order to avoid these common men’s issues, health professionals recommend treating the penis skin with a specialized penis health creme (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that can help to prevent problems such as dry skin, red penis, penis rash, irritation and itching, circulatory problems, and diminished penis sensitivity. The benefits provided by the penis-specific ingredients, which include several essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, can boost the body’s natural healing ability and keep you feeling great and performing at your best.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: . John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.



For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan writes about men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites,, including


John Dugan
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