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What does my name mean? provides the meaning of names. Name origins and name meanings from around the world, great for naming children
Bakersfield, CA, United States of America ( 10/04/2012
People all over the world wonder, "What does my name mean?" However, it's not always an easy question to answer. Most cultures around the world traditionally assigned names to children based on specific meanings: "generosity," "strength," "grace." In many cases, the name meanings were lost to the general public, and the names were passed down based upon paying homage to ancestors, or simply because the parents enjoyed the sound of the name. While there is not necessarily anything wrong with naming children after beloved relatives, or choosing names that are pleasing to the ears, some people would say that naming children without knowing the meaning of names loses part of the significance of the naming process. is a great help to parents who want to make well-informed choices when they select names for their children. (Male & Female Names) provides hundreds of name meanings and origins from around the world, allowing parents to find names with certain meanings, cultural origins, geographical roots, or religious connections. Often, parents will vacillate between two names for a new baby, perhaps two names that both sound good and have some kind of family significance. If those parents visit, they can find the meaning of names, and that kind of knowledge may lead to a final decision. Choosing a name that a child will have for life is not a decision to be taken lightly. With, parents have a valuable resource to help them take many factors into account when naming their kids. In addition to name meanings, some parents may want to give their children names that honor their family's religion, geographical origin, or cultural roots. provides a well-organized database of names that can be examined by different criteria, making it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for.

A representative of explained, "One of the main reasons why people love our site is that it helps them to choose baby names. But, that's not the only use of the site. Some people are curious about their own name meanings. Others are looking for new names for their pets, maybe names that represent the animal's natural location. For instance, the owner of a Russian Wolf Hound may want to research some less common Russian names. The site is great for anyone who may want to know more about the origins and meanings of names. Writers find it especially useful when coming up with names for characters." The possibilities for fiction writers, playwrights, and other creative types are quite impressive. A novelist may have to assign names to dozens of characters, sometimes characters of specific nationalities or cultural influences. The name database is an excellent resource for such projects, especially when the writer would like to avoid names that are over-used or stereotypical in literature. Whatever the motivation, has created an informative and user-friendly site that is sure to delight its visitors.

About provides the meaning of names from around the world, hundreds of name meanings and origins. Many people ask, "what does my name mean?" Now they can get their answer. For more information, please visit



Masculine and Feminine Names website is a free dictionary of names created by Igor Katsev, who has a passion for discovering the etymology of names. The website acts as a great resource for finding the meaning and origin of names, along with their historical and religious significance. For more details, visit


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