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Penis Health Depends On 9 Specific Vitamins and MineralsFeatured PR

Penis-specific vitamins and minerals play an essential role in fighting disease and preventing damage to sensitive skin.
New York, NY, United States of America ( 01/03/2012
By now, most men are aware that staying healthy depends on eating right, getting regular exercise, and making appropriate lifestyle choices concerning the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, as well as being selective when choosing sexual partners. However, not everyone is aware that maintaining optimum men’s health requires specialized care of the penis. This sensitive organ is prone to a variety of health issues, which may be avoided by treating penis skin with a combination of these 9 penis-specific vitamins and minerals.

Acetyl L carnitine
This important amino acid is essential to maintaining cell structure and healing skin cells that have been damaged by friction, environmental contaminants and aging. In addition, acetyl L carnitine is indicated for repairing penile nerves that have been compromised by aggressive masturbation or sex, helping to maintain the sensitivity that is needed for healthy sexual performance.

Alpha lipoic acid
This powerful antioxidant has been shown to counteract the effects of environmental damage (which may occur as a result of harmful UV rays, certain food additives, use of tobacco products or the chemicals found in many soaps and detergents), as well as to slow the aging process. Alpha lipoic acid used in conjunction with acetyl L carnitine may reduce the appearance of wrinkling and promote elasticity of the penile skin.

L-arginine is yet another amino acid which provides important penis health benefits. This enzyme is essential to maintaining the structural integrity of the blood vessels and capillaries. Sufficient levels of L-arginine can help to ensure proper blood flow to the penis, which is necessary to avoid penis health problems such erectile dysfunction and the appearance of broken capillaries under the skin.

Shea butter
Shea butter is an ingredient in many moisturizers and other skin products. This naturally-occurring ingredient is noted for helping the skin to retain vital moisture, protecting against drying, and chafing. Shea butter speeds the healing of dry or irritated skin, preventing long-term skin damage that may lead to a wrinkled or roughened appearance.

Vitamin A
This essential nutrient has numerous healing properties. It is especially noted as an anti-bacterial agent, helping to protect against infection as well as eliminating odor-causing bacteria that thrive in the genital area. Vitamin A also helps to maintain the structure of skin cells, lending a youthful appearance.

Vitamin B5
This important vitamin is essential to good overall health. It plays an important role in cell metabolism and provides immune system support. Vitamin B5 is necessary for maintaining good skin tone, as well as overall penis health.

Vitamin C
Most people already know about the disease-fighting properties of vitamin C. In addition, this nutrient is important in the production of collagen, which provides structural support to the skin cells and is needed to maintain healthy penile tissue. Vitamin C also plays an essential role in circulatory system support and is necessary for proper erectile function.

Vitamin D
Protection against radiation, immune system support, and maintaining a healthy metabolism are just a few of the functions of this important nutrient. Vitamin D is essential to maintaining good penis condition and promoting male sexual health.

Vitamin E
Among its numerous healing properties, Vitamin E is noted for keeping the skin hydrated and protecting against environmental damage. Vitamin E is essential to maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin and supporting overall penis health.

While most of these ingredients are available as dietary supplements, the oral preparations available from your local pharmacy or vitamin store are often absorbed by the body’s major organs and never reach the targeted destination - the penis. The penis benefits provided by these nutrients can be most easily obtained through use of a penis health creme (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which is applied topically and absorbed directly into the penis skin for maximum effectiveness. These penis-specific vitamins, minerals, and amino acids provide numerous men’s health benefits that keep you feeling great and performing at your best.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: . John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.



For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan writes about men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites,, including


John Dugan
450 W. 33 Street
Zipcode : 10012

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Penis health, penis health benefits