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Relief for Dry, Irritated, or Red Penile SkinFeatured PR

Vitamins and minerals play a major role in penile health
New York, NY, United States of America ( 22/02/2012
Today’s market offers an assortment of products designed to heal red, dry, and itchy penile skin.

What are the Best Remedies Available?

Sometimes, the best remedy for any of these penis skin conditions is to use a cream or oil, which is enhanced with amino acids, vitamins, and nutrients designed specifically for these problems. A good cream or oil product (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) will have all of the vitamins and minerals, listed below, which will keep your penis healthy and affect free.

What Vitamins and Minerals are required for Great Penile Health:

- Acetyl L Carnitine – protects the nerves of the penis during aggressive sexual activity, particularly masturbation when the penis is rubbed aggressively.

- Alpha Lipoic Acid – is a wrinkle remover and age refiner, keeping penis skin young and supple

- L-arginine – oxygenates the vessels and capillaries, plus has enzymes that promote good penis health.

- Vitamin A –is an anti-bacterial to prevent infection of damaged tissue, and odor.

- Vitamin B5 – rejuvenation for all penis cells and to maintain good penis health

- Vitamin C – assists penis with collagen production, so elasticity doesn’t dwindle during erectile function.

- Vitamin D – is acclaimed illness fighting vitamin that should be mandatory in any penile regimine.

- Vitamin E – aids in the reduction of dry and chaffed penile skin creating a supple, healthy look.

Other Health Issues that affect Penis Health and Erections:

- Smoking on a regular or continual basis can affect penile erectile function.

- An enlarged prostate gland will cause premature ejaculation and/or erectile dysfunction.

- Continual masturbation without lubrication or moisturizer can cause penile sensitivity loss.

The key to great penis health is to wash and lubricate the skin using a penis health cream or lotion that contains all the essential vitamins and minerals found in the list above. Several products are available today (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) so there is no reason to have sore, itchy, or dry penile skin. Like the rest of your body, the penis needs to be treated with respect and cared for daily.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penile skin quality, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: . John Dugan writes about men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.



For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan writes about men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites,, including


John Dugan
450 W. 33 Street
Zipcode : 10012

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Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness Subscribe to Health and Fitness Keywords :
penis health, vitamins, minerals