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Radio Show Guest Host, Jeff Compton, is a bit hit with listeners

Founder of TNCI, Jeff Compton, scored big with listeners from KABC790am Los Angeles, on the Living Full Out radio show, with Nancy Solari.
Monica, Massachusetts, United States of America ( 03/10/2014
On Sunday, September 21, 2015 founder of TNCI, Jeff Compton, was proudly featured as a guest host on the Living Full Out radio show on KABC in Los Angeles. Everyone on the show was impressed by Jeff's commitment to helping other people make good decisions and live full out. As an entrepreneur and father of three, Jeff drove the four-hour roundtrip from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles to make his twelve-minute guest host segment, where he offered advice and inspiration to Living Full Out listeners.

The show's theme was 'Technology', a subject Jeff is quite familiar with, having worked in the telecommunications industry for nearly twenty years. Jeff specializes in strategic planning, operation and administration of local exchange carriers, financing, program development, and general business management. He is also the founder of TNCI, a communications company committed to delivering voice and data solutions to small, medium, and enterprise class businesses.

During his segment, Jeff responded to call-in questions with a warm, empowering attitude. One woman called in seeking ways to deal with 'technology overload' in regards to raising her nephew. Another asked for advice on how to get his parents to accept his dream of starting a technology-related business. Jeff used his experiences as an entrepreneur in technology and a parent of three to offer the callers genuine feedback and support.

Since a portion of the Living Full Out radio show is aimed at offering advice to entrepreneurs and business owners, it was clear to us that Jeff would make for a very knowledgeable guest host. We were confident he would relate to the listeners and we were right! Our audience members made a point to let us know after the show that they found Jeff to be a valuable source of inspiration.

We thank Jeff for his contributions and hope that we will get another chance to work with him in the future and together help our listeners to achieve their goals and start living their lives full out.

To learn more about Jeff Compton and TNCI, visit or email him at

Currently living in Indianapolis, Indiana, Kiell's time is split writing copy for Living Full Out and following her passion for writing and illustrating by working on her first children's novel. For more information go to

About Living Full Out



Kiell Ruterbories
Living Full Out
1223 Wilshire Blvd #455 Santa Monica, CA 90403
Zipcode : 90403

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