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Do you want to get your ex back in your life?Featured PR

When you break up with someone you love, there are so many painful emotions to be worked through. You will probably feel sad, depressed and hurt. And you will miss them, oh so much!
Eastwood, SA, Australia ( 16/12/2011
When you break up with someone you love, there are so many painful emotions to be worked through. You will probably feel sad, depressed and hurt. And you will miss them, oh so much! The most common thought that will run through your mind is…

“What do I need do to get my ex back?”

There are many information sources that can help you answer this question, e.g. websites, books and blogs. There are even email courses which can help you answer your question. But you’ll find that using basic common sense can make such a difference after a breakup. Also, common courtesy towards your ex can go long way toward healing the relationship that you want back so badly.

If you’re totally preoccupied with your lost relationship, wondering “what should I do to get my ex back?” then follow this advice.

Don’t play games

Unfortunately many people resort to this during breakups because it gives them a sense of power. If you can make the other person think that you don’t care, or you care more than you really do, you’re manipulating them and that can feel great. But it won’t feel great for very long.

Eventually you’ll realize that telling lies and tricking the other person won’t make you feel very nice. And anything good that happens because of it will always be spoilt a little bit because of the lie.

Some people are tempted to play games where they pretend to be dating someone else, or they pretend to be in love with someone else. This is a very transparent ploy to make your ex jealous. While it might work occasionally, there will be other times when it makes the breakup permanent because it backfires.

Your ex could be so jealous at the thought of you being with someone else that they want you back. Or, think about this… they could decide that since you moved on so quickly, you don’t really care about them anyway.

You have no way of knowing which way this ploy will work until it’s too late.

Don’t be mean

This is true for any situation or relationship, but sometimes anger can get the better of us and could make us act more viciously than we normally might. Even if you’re hurt, the fact that you really want to know, ‘What should I do to get my ex back?” shows that you’re ready to forgive that person.

Now, let’s think about how you’ve been acting. If you were your ex, would you look forward to spending time with you or talking to you? Or would you dread every time? Do you shout and nag at your ex? Even if you feel like raising all kinds of arguments, don’t do it.

Work very hard at controlling your anger and hurt. If this is hard for you, speak to someone who will listen to you and help you see how your actions are affecting those around you.

Be on your best behaviour and make your ex remember what attracted them to you in the first place. They’ll remember your good points and will miss them.

Then you’ll have a better chance of being able to get back together with your ex.



Be on your best behaviour and make your ex remember what attracted them to you in the first place. They’ll remember your good points and will miss them. Then you’ll have a better chance of being able to get back together with your ex.


Ray Martin
220 Greenhill Road,
Zipcode : 5063