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V2, Bull Smoke, Green Smoke, & a Host of Other E-Cig Brands Reviewed on ECigaretteReviewsForum.com
V2, Bull Smoke, Green Smoke, & a Host of Other E-Cig Brands Reviewed on ECigaretteReviewsForum.com 
Here’s a site that offers honest and unmerciful review of all brands of e-cigarettes
Miami Beach,
United States of America
Where do people go when they need to get an honest and unbiased review of major e-cigarette brands? It is most certainly, ecigarettereviewsforum.com. It's been just a few months that the site was started, but has attracted thousands of unique visits from e-cig smokers who're looking to try new and improved flavors.
V2, Bull Smoke, Green Smoke, Premium Vapes, White Cloud… and the list goes on. There are hundreds more waiting to be reviewed. Even users can review a brand and leave their opinion on the product. Every review is based on three major criteria, viz. battery power, flavor, and price. Besides these, reviewers are also asked to judge the quality of the vapor.
Registered users get free giveaways, coupons and other cool stuff, while manufacturers of e-cigarette brands get to send their kit for a review. Among other things, the site also explains a little trivia about the e-cigarette industry including its history and other FAQ questions,
"E-cigarettes are certainly healthier than cigarettes. Yes, they contain nicotine, but minus the thousands of harmful substances found in a cigarette. It is very important that we provide an honest opinion of these products, because if people aren't going to like a product, they're more likely to switch back to smoke a normal cigarette," says the spokesperson for the site.
Besides reviews, the site also regularly displays discounts and offers by popular manufacturers. As we all know a cigarette is a blend of hundreds of harmful chemicals intended to give intense pleasure, but one that ends up causing havoc on the system. E-cigarettes are a harmless alternative. They're more preferred when compared to nicotine patches and gums because one gets physical as well as emotional gratification. Holding the cigarette between the lips and watching the vapor emanating from the cig gives physical and emotional pleasure- one that cannot be experienced through nicotine patches and gums.
About eCigaretteReviewsForum.com: The site provides an honest and unbiased opinion on the world's best brands of e-cigarettes.
To know more, visit, http://www.ecigarettereviewsforum.com/
About ECigaretteReviewsForum.com
This site is an online forum to help e-cig fans to discuss and review the latest brands. To know more, visit, http://www.ecigarettereviewsforum.com/