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Greater Dallas Orthopaedics Reveals Vitamin D Deficiencies May Lead to Various Orthopedic InjuriesFeatured PR

Greater Dallas Orthopaedics’ Doctors Al Mollabashy and Nathan F. Gilbert believe that lacking a healthy amount of vitamin D can cause serious risk of orthopedic injury.
Dallas, TX, United States of America ( 01/08/2013
We try to cover ourselves up from the harsh sun to avoid damage from UV rays, but all of our sunscreen also blocks out some of the more helpful side effects, like the absorption of vitamin D. This vitamin can be found in certain foods as well, and is essential in absorbing calcium to keep the bones strong. So, vitamin D deficiencies signify that the body cannot absorb as much calcium as it needs, and bones can become injured far more easily.

When the bones are not getting the nutrients that they need, they age faster and become far more brittle, leading to a vast amount of complications. For example, a recent German study has determined that a vitamin D deficiency will start and spread bone fractures more quickly (more specifically, increasing the rates by 31%) and cause the inside of the bone to age at a more rapid pace. The study also observed that a lack of vitamin D can lead to this bone damage at any age.

As the bones deteriorate, they become thinner and more brittle. Consequently, many people with a vitamin D deficiency develop osteoporosis (or rickets for children). This can lead to a stooped posture, a loss of height, pain, or a risk of bone fracture. The amount of vitamin D intake your body requires varies with age, but it is elderly adults over the age of 71 that require it the most.

According to Drs. Mollabashy and Gilbert of Greater Dallas Orthopaedics, a vitamin D deficiency can be treated with ease. To reverse it, it helps to ingest foods that contain vitamin D, including fatty fish and cod fish oil. Beef liver, dairy products, and egg yolks are also good options, and supplements may be useful for many vitamin D deficient patients as well. Board certified professionals like Dr. Gilbert and Dr. Mollabashy can help by creating a highly personalized treatment plan, if patients have suffered from any orthopedic problems as a result of the deficiency.

If you suffer from a vitamin D deficiency and exhibit any side effects, it is important that you talk to a medical professional. Vitamin deficiencies can be easily reversed using the correct diet or supplements, but a lack of vitamin D can lead to serious orthopedic complications that may require further treatment. Drs. Mollabashy and Gilbert can work with you to create an individualized plan of treatment. To find out more about this condition or how to treat it, contact Greater Dallas Orthopaedics today.

About Greater Dallas Orthopaedics

Greater Dallas Orthopaedics is made up of board certified surgeons, Dr. Al Mollabashy and Dr. Nathan Gilbert. Specializing in musculoskeletal oncology, reconstructive orthopaedic surgery, and general orthopaedics, GD Ortho treats adult and pediatric patients with efficiency and care.

Dr. Gilbert attended The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas and completed his internship in general surgery and residency in orthopaedic surgery at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School & Parkland Memorial Hospital. Dr. Mollabashy, who attended Indiana University School of Medicine, went on to complete a General Surgical Internship at the Methodist Hospital of Indiana. Both surgeons are also assistant clinical professors at UT Southwestern Medical School and are actively involved in physician education.

Greater Dallas Orthopaedics can be reached at 214.252.7020 or


About Greater Dallas Orthopaedics, PLLC

Both surgeons are also assistant clinical professors at UT Southwestern Medical School and are actively involved in physician education. Greater Dallas Orthopaedics can be reached at 214.252.7020 or


Dr. Al Mollabashy
Greater Dallas Orthopaedics, PLLC
12230 Coit Road, Suite 100,
Zipcode : 75251