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Pinched Nerve Treatment
Pinched Nerve Treatment 
A pinched nerve is one of the most common injuries that occur at work. Many times our patients will complain about arm pain
United States of America
A pinched nerve is one of the most common injuries that occur at work. Many times our patients will complain about arm pain and leg pain but they really have a problem with their lower back (leg pain) or neck (arm pain). How is this possible?
Our spine consists of bones called vertabrae. The bones are hard. Between the bones are a softer structure called the discs. The function of the discs are twofold. First, they act as a cushion so the bones don't rub against each other. Secondly, they allow for motion. Without our discs, we could not move our head in all directions as well as our back.
The problem occurs when pressure is placed on the spine (which can occur during any kind of an accident like a slip and fall or by lifting, bending too much, auto accident etc.) our vertabrae will press against the discs just like your two hands pressing on a balloon and what can happen is the disc will bulge out or can even actually "burst" which is called a herniation.
Here's the problem. when the disc bulges it can place pressure on the spinal nerves that exit from the vertabrae. In the neck, the nerves exit the vertabrae and travel down the arm. So if a nerve in the neck has pressure on it from the disc (thus a pinched nerve), not only will the patient experience in the neck (pain, numbness, weakness) but also in the area that the nerve travels. So the person with a pinched nerve in the neck mayalso experience arm pain, weakness numbness etc. Similarly, the nerves exiting the lower back travel down the leg. A person with a pinched nerve in the lower back may experience similar leg symptoms as well as back pain.
Dr Mollins specializes in the treatment of pinched nerves. By using gentle chiropractic treatment augmentated by advanced physiotherapy as well as exercise, he is able to remove the pressure on the nerves thus alleviating symptoms associated with those pinched nerves. In his more than 20 years in practice he has helped countless patients with pinched nerves and he can help you too. So remember, if yoiu have arm pain or leg pain, it is possible that the problem may actually be coming from your spine!
Dr. Jeff Mollins, D.C. offers comprehensive care and treatment to patients of all ages and genders that may have potentially been hurt on the job, been injured in an automobile accident, have had a slip and fall injury and other compensation claims. Dr. Mollins is a Diplomat of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Dr. Mollins is also a Medicare provider (X19311), and certified by the State of New York to provide both treatment and peer review for injured workers by the NYS Workers Compensation Board (CO3541-2).
Visit us online at www.NYInjuryDoctors.com
About Dr. Jeff Mollins, D.C.
“When an accident occurs, no matter how small it may seem to be, let us provide you with a comprehensive examination immediately. ...