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Keryn Rose Doing Her Part To Empower Women Worldwide With A Women's Revelation
Keryn Rose Doing Her Part To Empower Women Worldwide With A Women's Revelation
Keryn Rose Using the internet media as a powerful platform to inspire and support women who face unique challenges posed by the post-modern era with A Women's Revelation
Los angeles,
United States of America
Keryn Rose was born and raised in White Plains, New York and spent most of her life working towards achieving her target of excellence. In her effort to bring women under a collaborative platform to share ideas and opinions, she launched her own website A Women's Revelation. The website was inspired by an emotional breakup that took place in 2005.
Throughout her life Keryn has been a high achiever, motivated by concerns for social justice.In high school she founded the school’s first race relations club designed to ignite cross-racial awareness and understanding. Keryn also derived a lot of experience through an outreach program to bring poetry and the arts to juvenile offenders at Riker’s Island. This is how she built insight into a multitude of social, individual, school and family issues.
In 1997, she graduated with a focus in African American studies from University of Maryland,where she contributed stories and poems to the school newspaper “The Diamondback”. From there, she went on to earn her Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from the prestigious Harvard Law School in 2000.
She then moved to LA and started working with a law firm while attending acting school. She soon landed various acting roles. Keryn A. Rose plays the role of Camille in Bump (2011) alongside Tommy Wiseau and Scott Patterson. Directed and written by Rodney Lee; the title has not been released yet.
Keryn uses the internet media to connect with people and wants the world of women to come closer together, so they can provide input and feedback for each other when it is most needed. She has created a significant presence on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Keryn would like women to connect with her through these channels in order to build a strong collective unit from which all can benefit. With her strong voice and quirky insight, she believes her reflections and “revelations” will be useful, enjoyable, and thought provoking.
Using A Women's Revelation, Keryn invites women to share their ideas online and to cultivate new topics of discussion ranging from break up advice, motivational quotes, and many other current social topics. Using the internet media, she has created a powerful platform to inspire and support women who face unique challenges posed by the post-modern era. So, say your words online and be heard at A Woman’s Revelation.
Contact Details:
Company Website: Celebrity SEO Marketing
Address: 801 S. Grand St Los Angeles CA 90017
Author: Bobbie Rae
Contact # 877-579-2790