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Expert from Albert Byron Cord Blood Explains About Importance of Storing Cord BloodFeatured PR

Do you know that cord blood is used for treating more than 80 life-threatening diseases including cancers and genetic disorders?
Waco, TX, United States of America ( 19/11/2012
As umbilical cord stem cells areused to treat a variety of childhood blood diseases and cancers, it is important to store cord stem cells in safe and secure blood banks. Currently, more than 6,000 cord blood transplants have been performed around the world. But still, most of the people are unaware of the importance of the useful blood.

To help people realize the importance of storing cord stem cells, an expert from Albert Byron discusses umbilicalcord blood and its growing significance in the medical industry: "Today, umbilical cord blood has become a life saver for thousands of people who are suffering from life-threatening diseases. Cord stem cells not onlyhave the capability of saving your own life, but they can also save the life of any member of your immediate family. In most cases, bone marrow grafts require 8/8 matching, while cord blood transplants can be performed in cases that the donor and the recipient are only partially matched. Umbilical cord stem cellsare used to treat more than 80 life-threatening diseases including cancers, blood disorders, and genetic disorders. Hence, it is important to store umbilical cord stem cells in a safe and secure blood bank."

Albert Byron is the only company that guarantees the immediate availability of umbilical cordblood when you need it. It securely stores umbilical cord blood in one of its trusted and reliable blood bank partners. If one of its partners that you choose goes out of business, Albert Byron Cord will transfer the cord blood safely and securely to another facility.

The professional added,"Nowadays, many blood banks go out of business, so it is important to look for a reliable and trustworthy blood bank that is accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). Moreover, you must also examine the facilities and storage environment properly to avoid unnecessary regrets later. If the blood bank which you choose goes out of business, you might not be able to get the cord blood in future.It is vital that you choose a facility that offersappropriate action in these circumstances."

About Albert Byron Cord Blood Bank:

Albert Byron is the only company that guarantees the availability of cord blood when you need it.

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About Albert Byrn Cord Blood

Albert Byron is the only company that guarantees the availability of cord blood when you need it. For more details, log on to:


Eugene Barber
Albert Byrn Cord Blood
3587 Beeghley Street,
Zipcode : 76706

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cord blood, cord blood banking, cord blood bank