The kitchen is the most important room in your home. It’s where we eat, talk, cook, entertain, make decisions, watch television and spend quality family time.
David Willetts, the Conservative minister has welcomed plans to let parents tap into their pension to help their children buy property.
It has been reported that property sales have increased the most where prices fell, with 2.2 per cent more homes sold in the first six months of 2012.
RBS and NatWest have abolished their interest only mortgage deals to push applicants onto repayment deals.
Becoming a buy to let investment professional has become a popular way to ensure a comfortable retirement income as the returns are far better than savings returns or annuity rates which are historically low.
With well-equipped removal vans & experienced moving professionals, Van Man Removals Edinburgh makes moving faster, easier and safer
Government figures have showed that the number of domestic abuse cases reported in Scotland has risen by 7% in the last year, and 8% since 2002 - 2003
A top supplier of beds in the UK, Bed Mattress Centre, supplies top quality and an extensive range of beds at cheap prices.
Protect America home security announces the winner of the Pay It Forward Challenge that was created to match select charities with marketing and advertising students at top universities starting with MSU.
Former cabinet secretary Lord O’Donnell has urged the Government to introduce plans to introduce a loan to value (LTV) cap to try and bring the borrowing figures under control.
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