CompanyList > Herbafood Ingredients GmbH

COMPANY PROFILE- "Herbafood Ingredients GmbH"
Company Website :
About Company :
Herbafood possesses, among others, extensive know-how in the area of apple- derived products such as apple sweetener, colouring apple extracts, apple pectin extracts, apple fibres and combinations of dietary fibres with pectins. Since its founding in 1980, Herbafood has created for itself a remarkable market position especially in the area of dietary fibres from fruits, vegetables and cereals as well as in the field of fruit-derived sweeteners and colouring food stuff.
Contact Address :
  • PhöbenerChaussee 12,
  • Brandenburg
  • Germany
  • Werder Havel
  • Zipcode: 14542
  • Phone: 3327-785202
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