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Fight Diabetes with Tea, And it’s 100% Herbal!
Fight Diabetes with Tea, And it’s 100% Herbal! 
Organic herbal tea is a natural cure for diabetes. Cassia Auriculata, the main ingredient in this tea is a known remedy traditionally used to treat diabetes and several other ailments claim Dia Tea manufacturers.
Tamil Nadu,
WhiteLake Organics, manufacturers of Dia Tea have announced that they now have an effective and herbal supplement to help control diabetes. The 100% organic herbal tea contains cassia auriculata which is clinically proven to control blood sugar levels, serum and tissue lipids.
Cassia auriculata is commonly known as avaram poo in Tamil Nadu and as ranawara or senna in other parts of the country. They're commonly found in the sea coast and dry zones of the country. They're traditionally used to treat several problems such as body odor, skin problems, conjunctivitis, urine disorder, etc.
"We harvest these flowers in the hills of South India and dry them under strict hygienic conditions. The dried flowers are then powdered and packed in an air tight package to ensure that it lasts long. Besides cassia auricalata, another ingredient used in Dia Tea is cinnamon, which is known to reduce blood glucose, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, etc," adds the spokesperson.
The manufacturers are so sure of their product that they're offering money back guarantee on their product. "We guarantee that daily consumption of our tea for 30 days can reduce blood sugar levels by 40-100 counts. If the product isn't satisfactory you can claim your money back by sending us your blood glucose level reports and the remaining product to us," claims the spokesperson.
Diabetes is a deadly killer that works silently; in fact many of its long term complications develop gradually over time and do not show up until it is too late for treatment. A healthy lifestyle and following natural remedies is a sure shot way to keep all these complications at bay.
About Dia Tea:
Dia Tea is a diabetic tea with 100% natural and herbal ingredients manufactured by White Lake Organics. The product can be ordered online or by VPP.
To know more, or order Dia Tea, visit, http://www.diatea.com
About DiaTea
The DiaTea media person further informed of a 30 day cash back guarantee offer for the customers. The customers here can ask for their money back if their diabetic level does not reduce within 30 days. “We guarantee complete effectiveness with continued use of our product or else you can have your money back”, he commented further. For more information, visit www.diatea.com.